Friday, February 4, 2011

happiness and continuation of bullshit....

So, first we shall discuss happiness. I GOT APPROVED FOR MY APARTMENT!!!! I went and looked at it two weeks ago today, adn turned the application in last friday and got a call today saying I got it!!! :) So, I will be paying my security deposit sometime in the next 3 weeks, then as soon as there is an open apartment for may, I got dibs! Oh my, I am sooooo excited. Altho, mom was a downer and was all 'gimme money gimme money" and I was all "um sorry, i had to WORK for my money back off" and then mom left and I won the argument :D

Another happy story, I am no longer an employee at Dominos on Allen Blvd. This has made me euphoric. I decided it was my last day and I wanted to be lazy so I was and then dickwad came back from deliveries, got pissy and said to clock out, which I promptly did. Upon removing my workshirt, I sorta tossed it, and he walked thru the door right in time to get hit my it. My bad, altho I wont apologize for it lolz. THEN he asked for my key to the store, which I willingly gave up. Cuz I dont need it. So whatev. and then I leaved :)

I do have bullshit to share, but I want to pack some shit quick whilest mom and shey are away. :) adios...

530PM and the continuation starts...

Right now I is babysitting my buggaboo, aka Konnor. Golly this is the happiest baby I have ever known. Earlier, we got into a mouth-fart fight. I think he won. Wow. I lost a fight with a baby. I Suck.

We are watching ET and we are going to chinese at 6. (sorry ben!!! No kfc for me!!)

but the bullshit I wanted to hit on, SHIT DISTRACTED BY ET FUCK!!! Ew, who would fuck et? like, uh, GROSS!! lol. ANYWAYS, god, damn, i have severe add today... ok aw fuck me i dont even know what bullshit i wanted to discuss now, all i am focused on is Konnor's mouth-farts and the astronauts on ET... damnit...

And of course, just my luck, I dont have any info anywhere as to my original plans to this stupid post. fuck me. ooooh big white tubes on ET lol SHIT i hate my add lol.

Ok, So random but better htan nothing. I think that I am breaking up with Megan. I dont want to deal with the drama of Dominos at all so I think I am just gonna make a clean break.

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